Death Posture refers to the yoga asana commonly known as savasana or corpse pose in which the senses are turned inward and mind open to visual inspiration.The term, as defined by illustrator Austin Osman Spare, is a threshold crossed via an induced state of gnosis. Meditation, breath, candle gazing, and automatic drawing may be utilized to remove the ego from the line.
The images in this selection of David V. D’Andrea’s work were birthed from this space of death to exist in the medium of ink on board. Many of the pieces were created for bands such as Om, Sleep, and Godspeed You! Black Emperor, and some specifically for the exhibition.
There will be for sale a large collection of band related screen prints spanning D’Andrea’s career and a limited edition set made specifically for ATAK San Francisco.
Wrekmeister Harmonies ( J.R. Robinson and Esther Shaw) will perform a piece entitled “The Legendary Map of the Universe” utilizing piano, synth, violin, guitar and voice.